To those that still check this website for any rare updates, I would like to wish EVERYONE a happy and healthy new year. Many people are asking me why this website is no longer updated regularly. There will be an article coming up in the future explaining why I am no longer active in any advocacy of ANY sorts. I am not "burnt out", I have not been threatened, I am not worried about shidduchim for my children, nor have I been paid off to keep silent. Suffice it to say that we are at a point where repairing the problems in Lakewood is highly unlikely. There is a litany of issues, and players with conflicts of interest that are destroying our town. Until now I felt that shining a light on these problems could be beneficial in resolving them, but there is only so much I can do.
I would like to thank all those that supported my efforts until now. I am in the process of writing what is becoming a novel about the inner (non) workings of Lakewood politics. Until that is completed, all I can say is we really need to pray for a good year.
Sincerely HH
I would like to thank all those that supported my efforts until now. I am in the process of writing what is becoming a novel about the inner (non) workings of Lakewood politics. Until that is completed, all I can say is we really need to pray for a good year.
Sincerely HH