Good morning kids! Let's go to school! What? Gotta beat the traffic! I wanna sleep. What is going on? Well, there's this guy named Shenky...
You see years ago Shenky was given a little power as the representative for the concerns of the small Yeshiva community. He made sure......
That the concerns of the slowly growing Yeshiva community were met. He joined the zoning board to make sure that if the Yeshiva wanted to...
Expand, they would have a voice on the zoning board. He and his sidekick Abe Penzer, then a struggling lawyer, convinced Bob singer,....
A Jewish bubble gum machine vendor, to run for State Senate. Singer then converted to Catholicism after leaving his wife for his.....
Secretary, Ms. Russo, the daughter of one of the most powerful politicians in New Jersey. Once Singer got involved in state politics....
Shenky and his little buddy got access to all kinds of new projects and schemes. The Cogeneration plant came knocking to open up in.....
Lakewood after being rejected from every other town. People protested the idea of putting a massive steam generator in the middle of town...
But Shenky got the Yeshiva community to believe it was safe and the Cogen plant was brought to Lakewood, not considering what health......
Concerns it may bring up in the future. Well it seems that the whole deal was being monitored by the @FBI . They discovered that the....
Three of them, Shenky, Penzer and Singer, had private dealings with the Cogen people. Shenky was bribed 500 thousand dollars, donated.....
To his school, and a new minivan. Only him and Penzer were indicted. In @FBI tapes they called themselves the Lone Ranger and Tonto to....
Avoid being mentioned by name. Singer was not indicted since he played a lesser role as a facilitator and was protected by the Russo....
Family connections. The drama from the impending trial was intense. Told Lakewood's Askan was being railroaded, We all rallied to his side....
We were all told to try and give at least 500 dollars, a fortune for a Kollel family, to pay for legal fees. The Lone Ranger and Tonto...
Plead innocent. The trial seemed clear cut, but somehow, thank god there was a misstep and Shenky and Penzer were allowed to go free...
Shenky even sued the @AsburyParkPress to apologize for what they wrote about him. Then a new face showed up in #lakewood, his name, Aaron..
Kotler. He was asked to try and save the then struggling Yeshiva. In order to do so he needed to wrest power from the then powerful Shenky..
He pretended to form a VAAD that would represent the yeshiva community. Really the VAAD was just a few local businessmen, some with....
Very low IQs that simply listened to Aaron Kotler. Shenky, after the scandal, was now marginalized, allowed to make a robot call before each...
Election in the name of the VAAD. He was given the title, original Askan. The VAAD now controlled the voting block which ensured that...
Politicians were elected to meet the needs of, not the community, not the Kollel families, but of Aaron. And some trusted him to a large extent..
Then Aaron got his people onto the committee, the zoning and planning boards, everything except the shade tree commission was now under...
Direct control of Aaron Kotler. Quite a bit of power to bestow on a single individual. Once he was in charge a whole new #lakewood began...
To emerge. Our once insular community grew overnight, building housing for Jewish families looking for a cheaper alternative to Brooklyn...
Aaron now was the king maker, basically controlling who builds developments in 'his' town. The problem was that these developments were...
Burdening the town with new services such as busing and other needs. The amount of tax collected on these homes could not justify the...
Added expenses. Schools were needed as well, and were bursting at the seams. The cost of busing was getting out of hand as schools..
Opened in random areas and people chose schools that were far away from their neighborhood. Aaron and his VAAD of Merry men ignored all...
The problems and focused on endorsing candidates that would ensure they would get what they wanted, namely something called Cedarbridge..
Aaron was worried that his free land, worth millions, would be taken away. So he kept endorsing those that would ensure what he wanted. But..
All of those people also wanted something for themselves. So we got a costly Baseball stadium, and were told we are not allowed to.....
Attend, punishable by our children being expelled from school. And the politicians also wanted a piece of the action. They continued to be..
Concerned with themselves and the whims of Aaron Kotler,ignoring the needs of the klal. I like to call him Kim Jung Aaron now...
So kids that is where we stand now. I left out all the parts about me being stupid enough to ask questions, being used by Kim Jung Aaron...
To threaten Singer to do as he says, and the subsequent attempts to destroy our family, my businesses, and stop every attempt to get this..
Town in order. All of that is for another time. Now get dressed it's time for me to drive you to school. Shenky, the Lone Ranger, said so.