Ľchovod the choshuve oilom,
As you may know, many people wanted to do something special as a zechus ľiylui nishmas my nephew, Hayeled Eliyahu Eliezer z"l ben R' Shabsi Yaakov Yosef Halevi n"y Raitzik, a nine year old boy who was niftar in his sleep on the Erev Shabbos before Purim. Together with Rabbi Mordechai Zions shlit"a, it was decided to continue the Avos U'banim program after Pesach, for Phase 2, as a zechus ľiylui nishmaso.
While the family will cover much of the cost, in order for the program to not be lacking anything, several thousand dollars will still need to be raised. As such, I am appealing that each person that would like to be a partner in this mitzvah kindly send in five dollars, with their tax deductible checks made out to 'Avos U'banim', and mail it to:
Avos U'banim, c/o (my brother) Rabbi Shabsi Raitzik at 414 Yeshiva Plaza, Apartment 4C, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701.
B'ezras HaShem a solid response will be a big chizuk to the family, and also sufficient to cover the cost involved with this project.
Thank you, tizku ľmitzvos, and v'chol hamosef, harei zeh meshubach. May we only share in simchos, vaiter. Chag kosher v'sameiach,
Moshe Raitzik
As you may know, many people wanted to do something special as a zechus ľiylui nishmas my nephew, Hayeled Eliyahu Eliezer z"l ben R' Shabsi Yaakov Yosef Halevi n"y Raitzik, a nine year old boy who was niftar in his sleep on the Erev Shabbos before Purim. Together with Rabbi Mordechai Zions shlit"a, it was decided to continue the Avos U'banim program after Pesach, for Phase 2, as a zechus ľiylui nishmaso.
While the family will cover much of the cost, in order for the program to not be lacking anything, several thousand dollars will still need to be raised. As such, I am appealing that each person that would like to be a partner in this mitzvah kindly send in five dollars, with their tax deductible checks made out to 'Avos U'banim', and mail it to:
Avos U'banim, c/o (my brother) Rabbi Shabsi Raitzik at 414 Yeshiva Plaza, Apartment 4C, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701.
B'ezras HaShem a solid response will be a big chizuk to the family, and also sufficient to cover the cost involved with this project.
Thank you, tizku ľmitzvos, and v'chol hamosef, harei zeh meshubach. May we only share in simchos, vaiter. Chag kosher v'sameiach,
Moshe Raitzik