I heard a great story that explains this phenomenon all too well.
A lone black kid was sitting in a classroom of all white children. While the teacher had his back turned, the bully of the class punched him. The boy retalliated just as the teacher turned around. "Kevin go to the principal", the teacher demanded of the black child. One of the white boys stood up and said "but Steven hit him first!"
When everybody is scared of a bully and nobody stands up. When we are only concerned for ourselves, a bully can thrive. If we don't stand up and tell the bully ENOUGH, hewill continue to take advantage of us.
For too long we have allowed the bullies of our town to prevent all the good that we can have. We did this because we were afraid they would start up with us. But there comes a time when we must stand up and tell the truth. We must not allow them to hide behind the laws of loshon hora, and the fear of those that look the other way when they see wrongdoing.
Let us work together to rid ourselves of these bullies that hide behind flags, Rabbis, powerful politicians, and police.
We can do it, and do it Now.