New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie responded to a CNN report in which Connie Mariano, a former White House physician to President Clinton and both Bushes said she was concerned about Christie's weight and speculated whether it might be causing health problems. She said she was concerned if he were elected President that he could die in office. Christie called Mariano a "hack" who knows nothing about his health and said she "should shut up." The statements came during a news conference in Sea Girt.
Christie recently appeared on the David Letterman to discuss his weight and all te years of fat jokes he has endured from Mr. Letterman. He was not able to fit into the guest chair, and as a joke ate a donut in the middle of the interview. He told Letterman that his jokes were only funny forty percent of the time. His favorite joke was that Christie's birthday wish when he blows out the candles on his cake is for another cake.
Critics of Christie see his latest media appearances as another smokescreen to attempt to make himself look good in the wake of the budget crisis and some very serious corruption scandals in his administration. It seems the backlash has begun.
Critics of Christie see his latest media appearances as another smokescreen to attempt to make himself look good in the wake of the budget crisis and some very serious corruption scandals in his administration. It seems the backlash has begun.