In a series of twitter statements Governor Christie is displaying his anger at the Federal Government for ignoring the Sandy bill that would give 60 billion dollars to help rebuild communities destroyed by the superstorm that made thousands of people homeless across the east coast.
@GovChristie: The fact that days continue to go by while people suffer, families are out of their homes...
@GovChristie: ...and men and women remain jobless and struggling during these harsh winter months is a dereliction of duty. #SandyBill
In his true Bruce Springsteenesque fashion he tweets:
@GovChristie: When American citizens are in need we come to their aid. That tradition was abandoned in the House last night. #SandyBill
@GovChristie: The fact that days continue to go by while people suffer, families are out of their homes...
@GovChristie: ...and men and women remain jobless and struggling during these harsh winter months is a dereliction of duty. #SandyBill
In his true Bruce Springsteenesque fashion he tweets:
@GovChristie: When American citizens are in need we come to their aid. That tradition was abandoned in the House last night. #SandyBill
Dear Governor,
We in lakewood have been hosting our own Sandy victims for over five years now, and our own state has shown no concern. This is a job that fell into our lap and we need help.
We also have been dealing with an illegal immigrant community that we are responsible to educate , police, and provide medical care. We need help from the federal government that allowed them entry into our great, welcoming and generous country.
We are happy to host all in Lakewood. But the onus should not be upon us alone to provide services or shelter to those that chose to settle in our township.
We hope now that Trenton sees what it feels like to be left holding the bag of responsibility that cannot be your burden alone, you will work with us to help solve problems that we had no hand in creating, but are willing to step up to the plate to solve, with a little help from our friend.
We in lakewood have been hosting our own Sandy victims for over five years now, and our own state has shown no concern. This is a job that fell into our lap and we need help.
We also have been dealing with an illegal immigrant community that we are responsible to educate , police, and provide medical care. We need help from the federal government that allowed them entry into our great, welcoming and generous country.
We are happy to host all in Lakewood. But the onus should not be upon us alone to provide services or shelter to those that chose to settle in our township.
We hope now that Trenton sees what it feels like to be left holding the bag of responsibility that cannot be your burden alone, you will work with us to help solve problems that we had no hand in creating, but are willing to step up to the plate to solve, with a little help from our friend.