Anyone who has paid attention to their tax bill for the last 6 years could see that taxes have risen exponentially for most residents while a few influential voting districts were kept low in an effort to raise taxes without causing a bother revolt. Meanwhile Langert has signed numerous bonds, increasing our debt by millions which will need to be paid back. Langert has contributed to the rapid growth that is behind the costs causing our taxes, and debt to skyrocket. He himself has helped many developers build large projects in Lakewood that cause more congestion problems

Perhaps Langert is referring to his attempt to fire the Lakewood EMS in order to give the ambulance contract to a local private company that he was rumored to have an interest in. He slashed their salaries by 30 percent in the hopes they would quit. He would surely attempt to fire them again if he were to be in office again. The EMS is an experienced group of lifesaving individuals that is the only reliable service for the senior communities. Langert wanted the seniors to rely on a private company that hires inexperienced young teenagers with only weeks of training to service the senior developments. Truly innovative.

Everyone knows that Langert has no control over tax appeals. There was a reassessment that caused a reduction in appeals for a few years. This year there is a surge of new appeals as taxes for most people went up last year. Once Again Langert is making empty claims of conditions that he could not possibly control

Nobody has raised any revenues in Lakewood Township for the last ten years. Perhaps he is considering all the land that he purchased at Rock bottom prices from the township under family and friend’s names as a source of revenue for the town.

Yes he was on the Committee as the Tent City issue was being resolved, by then MAYOR Akerman and Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein. As a matter of fact he used the Mayor's desire to resolve the homeless matter as a threat to not support his efforts if the Mayor didn't give in to many of his demands. But notice he doesn't write that he had anything to do with the resolution. He simply writes the words “Tent city resolution” to trick a few uninformed voters.

There has been no responsible development in Lakewood since Langert has been in office. Langert himself is secretly involved in irresponsible development along with his close friends and family members.

Yes he was involved in creating the Adult communities Council, but as we all know they are simply seen and not heard. He has been an integral part of a Committee that does what it wants for who it wants and doesn't take the concerns of residents into account.
• Responsive to the needs of all of Lakewood’s diverse groups — we represent ALL the residents.
I don't think that Langert or Delia care about me or you or any of us. The only reason I believe that they are involved in politics is to help themselves, and their friends and families.
Please don't vote blindly. Find out the facts. Ask your friends what they think about Langert you will quickly find someone that has been exposed to his uncaring demeanor, corrupt behavior and seen that he is not someone we should have representing our town.