The Scandal surrounds allegations that Birdsall gave large amounts of contributions illegally through their employees in amounts that did not need to be reported. In turn politicians gave Birdsall Enfineering lucrative contracts, and suspiciously unnecessary looking jobs. While Singer was on the Township Committee Birdsall replaced our own in house engineering crew against the suggestions of many people, and billed the Township and builders hundreds of thousands over the years.
In his nearly two decades in elective office at the state level, Singer has received thousands of dollars in contributions from Birdsall.
For the 2011 race, Singer received $2,400. He said he didn’t receive any money last year from the firm.
Of that $2,400, he said some $1,700 was spent on running a golf tournament that was held to raise funds.
The $700 “profit,” as he described it, Singer said he has no problem giving it back
“I would absolutely return it,” he said. “I have no problem returning that portion,” He said.
For some reason Siger believes that 700 dollars will make up for the millions he gave away for the last 20 years in all his pay to play favors. Birdsall is only a small part of it.