First and foremost let me say I never pay anybody to agree with what I say. I want those that support me to understand that they are not supporting me, they support themselves. I have always been outspoken about the needs of our town, our children, our struggling taxpayers, and not my needs alone. So what could possibly make the owners of The Lakewood Scoop and The Lakewood Shopper turn on my message in such a virulent manner?
I am a very trusting person. I do not understand the backstabbing world of politics. I never heard the expression, "getting thrown under the bus", until recently. Lazer Hasenfeld of Scoop fame, Yaakov Wenger and Yisroel Burstein of The Lakewood Shopper always acted like they were my friends. I discussed the ideas that I had to try to help Lakewood, and I always thought that they were behind me. I did any favor they asked of me happily and always thought they had only the best intentions for Lakewood as well. What I did not realize is that they were using me, and my message, to threaten incumbent politicians. By supporting my message they were scaring Singer, Langert and all their cronies into feeling that they could help me win. But that is not what they wanted. By helping me win they were not guaranteed to get what they want, They knew all too well that I cannot be bought.
By turning their backs on me and promising Singer and Langert support they now would have the power that they desired. At one point when Langert got in the way even he "thrown under the bus" as well . In the end these young men denied the people of Lakewood to be informed of the truth so they could feel that they have a modicum of power in the Lakewood politic.
I know that this article may seem a little too straightforward. I am sure that many will read it with a suspicious eye, as I am certainly a biased party in this story. I assure you that my campaigns were never about power. I simply want to prove to everyone that we can have a better Lakewood, The only problem is that at every step of the way there was always another, under the bus throwing, self serving, power hungry person standing in the way.
We are now faced with some very serious issues that will be affecting the future of Lakewood, The Smart Growth Plan is once again coming up and threatens to further damage whatever quality of life we still treasure in Lakewood. There are Child molestation cases coming up in the courts that cannot be ignored. We have a deputy Mayor that refuses to resign even though he admitted publicly to developing townhouses that required zoning changes, and he did not publicly disclose that he is a partner. We have the FBI investigating the Board Of Education, Catapult, and Ocean Health Initiatives. The Zoning and planning boards are changing rural areas in town to help builders, while hurting area homeowners, and taxpayers. There is serious discussion of having a Hockey Stadium built to accompany our tax leaching Baseball Stadium, All of these important issues are being overlooked by the above mentioned media outlets due to conflict of interest. Our citizens are being kept in the dark, while those that pretend to try to inform us are simply using us to get what they need for themselves.
I am sure that all those that I mentioned by name in this article will make sure to try their best to discredit me. I take pride in the fact that I spoke the truth and I did it to prevent others from being victimized by them as well.
Like the Judenrat In the picture above, those that try to control their own people by disseminating lies to allow evil to flourish, will become victims to that very same evil.