You can read more on that site by clicking the link above, and then come back here for comments.
As usual TLS is censoring, below is a comment submitted to The Lakewood Times unedited.
This is a comment I posted on TLS (don't usually go there) under the name Libertarian, it stayed under moderation:
" It is always worse to pay the government to fund something, rather than pay for it yourselves.
Think a minute, someone has to work out how much the government needs, another has to audit it, a third put out the bids, a fourth to bill, a fifth to collect, a sixth to chase non payers & so on, all that adds to the cost. Another problem is crony politics when a bus company is more connected. Look at what happened to the BOE iPod gate.
I think it is time for us to stop following our politicians blindly, and making up excuses like showing unity.
Open your eyes & ask is there any conflict of interest going on here?
Do some (schools) own their own buses & gain from their own billing?
Are they those calling you out to protest? Are you blindly following?
It is possible that the few years you have kids being bussed you save a little money, because those who don’t, pay your bill, but in the long run, unless you will retire to Florida after your kids graduate school, you will be paying other’s bills, with all the extra costs.
Another good which could come from parents being parents and taking their kids to school showing love at the time of day, when everyone is rushing to work, and screaming at the kids to get ready in time, let parents show love instead of shove."
After a while seeing 20 plus comments ahead of me, I posted again under the same name, ( I don't have the exact comment, but to the effect of):
If someone doesn't agree with your political bias their comments don't get posted so much for an open forum.
Guess what?
Next time I went there I get your access is banned by administrator.
I leave the rest to your imagination.
I must thank TLS for being frumer than the heimishe filters out there & knocking me off so that I don't read their biased political drivel.
It is time for the Heimishe filters to follow in their footsteps & block TLS.