The bill to allow colleges, such as Georgian Court, to build whatever they want, without Planning Board or Zoning Board approval, is going to be considered in a Budget Committee meeting on Monday at 10 AM. Our neighborhood desperately needs you to read the attached file titled “Grassroots Script…” and call our Assemblymen, and the people on the attached file, to tell them to reject this bill. Also, please call or email to anyone else who you know, in NJ, who would also make calls to the Assemblymen in their districts. Everything that you need to know is in the following text and the attached “Grassroots” file. The other file has three editorials which support our position.
For Lakewood, we need Assemblyman Sean T. Kean (732) 974-0400 contacted as well as Assemblyman David P. Rible (732) 974-0400. They are on the Bob Singer team and Bob Singer is the one who betrayed the residents. They need to hear from us.