The National Weather Service is predicting a major snow storm for Friday night into Saturday morning. For the East Coast region. Predictions range from 3 to 30 inches with the southern parts on New Jersey to have less snow and the Boston area looking at a historic blizzard.
It seems that every potential storm is a cause for panic these days.
It seems that every potential storm is a cause for panic these days.
While it is always advisable to take precautions before any storm, it looks like we have become slaves to the predictions and all the harbingers of any type of disaster. We have become a nation that lives in fear of every impending weather event, trying to predict the exact timing of the storm and precipitation within an inch as if our lives depended on it.
This storm may bring us three or thirty inches of snow. The winds may be significant, or simply an annoyance. Either way we need to realize that none of it is under our control. So as the famous song goes. Let it snow l, let it snow etc. etc.
Have a wonderful Shabbos,
The Lakewood Times Staff
This storm may bring us three or thirty inches of snow. The winds may be significant, or simply an annoyance. Either way we need to realize that none of it is under our control. So as the famous song goes. Let it snow l, let it snow etc. etc.
Have a wonderful Shabbos,
The Lakewood Times Staff